Everyone has a birth story.

Michelle and Adam’s 2nd Birth Story. Oct 2024.
Adam and I just wanted to extend our heartfelt thanks again for your hypnobirthing refresher course and your amazing support towards the end of our pregnancy. Much like our first birth - despite medical issues, we were able to have another beautiful birth experience which we will always treasure. Your support and the knowledge you shared helped us advocate for our birth preferences and we used many of the hypnobirthing resources to help us stay calm through a stressful last few weeks of pregnancy. Doing a refresher course was the best decision we made this pregnancy because it reminded us of everything we learned last pregnancy and having support outside of the hospital again was absolutely invaluable.

Birth Story- Emma & Simon. March 2024.
I was really looking forward to experiencing labour and birth and meeting our beautiful baby. The hypno course allowed me to birth feeling knowledgeable, confident and empowered. My husband also felt more prepared and confident as my birth support person to assist me during labour.

Carolin & Caio’s Birth Story. Aug 2023
I still want to pinch myself when thinking and talking about our beautiful birth. All these weeks I had visualised our ideal birth scenario of staying home for as long as possible during labour before then having a water birth without the need of any medication, which is exactly what became reality for us.

Georgia & Dave’s Birth Story. March 2023
Months earlier, my best friend had urged me to look in to Hypno, I was apprehensive - the common misconception is that Hypno is all about salt lamps, crystals & birth plans, we thought it would be too ‘woo-woo’ for us. Little did we know it would lead us to having the most incredible birthing experience.

Lucy and Mike. May 2023
We planned for an active labour and I was very happy to continue to move around the room as much as I could. Quite quickly the surges became closer together and I felt a deep pressure and felt the urge to push. Mike read affirmations and kept me calm, my favourite one was 'each surges brings me closer to my baby'.

Lauren and Rohan. Dec 2022.
On the 21/12/22 I gave birth to a beautiful healthy boy. His name is Tom Paul Fleming and he is absolutely perfect! Weighing 3040grams.
The birth was such a magical experience and I feel like Rohan and I were so calm and in control of every decision we made throughout the day.
Tara and Dan. May 2022.
I looked into Hypnobirthing because I wanted both my partner and I to be equally involved in the birthing journey. I wanted him to feel informed and myself, and I wanted the in-person interaction, not a zoom call. I also wanted to have all the knowledge in a positive way but backed up by research and evidence.
Foteini and Antony. Feb 2022
From the very beginning, I felt stressed about the day I would give birth to my baby. I always knew that a very important thing during labour would be the breathing techniques so I started looking for courses that would teach me how to breath and all the practical tools I needed for my labour.

Charmagne and Will. April 2022
I think like any first time mothers to be, you are always a little bit anxious/scared about the birthing part as it’s something you don’t know. I was no exception. I wanted to inform myself and equip myself with as much knowledge as possible . I thought there were only ever two ways to deliver a baby 1)via C section or 2) with an epidural.
I had read about hypnobirthing online from a couple of social media pages I follow and when a friend of mine who lives interstate mentioned she had enrolled herself to a course, it convinced me to do the same.

Jess and Travis, Birth story. June 2021
“Once we completed the HypnoBirthing course, we felt empowered as we now had the knowledge required to prepare for a calm, easy birth. We felt like we had choices on our birthing day, and this is mainly what helped us to feel empowered. I wrote up a birth plan, which I felt was more for us, as I now understood the choices that we may be faced with on our birthing day and knowledge is power.”

Jess & Ryan Birth Story. March 2021
“ I highly recommend the HypnoBirthing course with Robina and I am so grateful that we did it. Ryan is also so thankful I encouraged him to do it, as he learnt techniques to guide & support me through labour, birth and the weeks after.”

Michelle & Adam-2021 Birth Story
“I am so grateful to you and the HypnoBirthing course we did to prepare for Isla’s birth.”

HypnoBirthing Class Outline
"My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth, for both her, Herself and her baby"
- Marie F. Mongan 1999

Sam & Davey Birth Story
“ My pregnancy was an incredibly special time that I will always look back on fondly. In the early months, the thought of labour terrified me. After a discussion with Robina we decided to do the HypnoBirthing course. Once we had completed the course I felt 100% confident about giving birth. I can honestly say any fears I had disappeared and were replaced with excitement!”

Luigi & Emma Testimonial
Hypnobirthing and relaxation techniques became a fixture of our birth plan, and while we were induced, the many tools we’d practised were just as valuable throughout the birth. As a first time father, the course namely prepared me on how to best support my partner throughout the entire process.

Research Outcome & Advantages of HypnoBirthing
A collection of data from the HypnoBirthing Institute resource 2009 of 1110 participants showed less intervention, fewer medical inductions, fewer IV fluids, less continuous fetal monitoring, less Pitocin infusion, fewer artificial rupture of membranes, fewer IV/IM anesthesia, fewer episiotomies, fewer epidural anesthesia, fewer caesarean sections … and more

Noelle & Justin - 2020 Birth Story
So many people comment on how calm and happy our little girl is. Even at four months old, during overseas long-haul flights, we had flight attendants and fellow passengers commend us on how amazing our little girl is. They say that we’re so lucky. We believe that it’s not just luck, we really believe that it is thanks to Hypnobirthing!

What is HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method
The Gold Standard of Childbirth Education HypnoBirthing® is a rewarding, relaxing, stress‐free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally, and spiritually, she can experience the achievement of birthing her baby in an easier, more positive and comfortable way.

Jo & Ben - 2020 Birth Story
We began the classes about halfway through the pregnancy, having never done anything similar before I found Robina to be an immediate calming influence. I had already naturally felt confident about the birthing process, but the course really solidified this and taught me so much about how naturally amazing our bodies are, and how I can best let my body do what it knows best.

Iwona & Mark - 2019 Testimonial
Even though I did not avoid the interventions, the hypnobirthing techniques helped me to stay calm and to reduce the pain in the initial stages of labour. The knowledge we gained during the course also helped us to ask the right questions and make the best decisions for me and the baby.