Jess & Ryan Birth Story. March 2021

Jess, Ryan & Raphael. March 2021.jpg

Jess, Ryan & Raphie. March 2021.


As soon as we found out we were pregnant, we were obviously over the moon with excitement.  We hadn’t been trying for long at all and had only recently decided to “see what happens”.  And after the excitement, came the fear.  I’d always been afraid of giving birth.  Good friends of ours had a baby in early 2020 and had completed the “Hypnobirthing Course” with Robina. They couldn’t speak more highly of the course and used all of the techniques learned during their smooth and natural birth.  I knew I had to sign up.  As soon as I did, my fear level dropped drastically knowing we were going to learn how to overcome this fear and enjoy the pregnancy rather than being scared.  My husband Ryan also did the course with me for something nice to do together as upcoming parents in preparation for the birth and for him to be more involved with the pregnancy.  We used the relaxation and meditation techniques during the labour (which we had practiced in the lead up) to stay as calm and in control as possible.  Ryan also felt he was able to help me and guide me through the surges and during the birth.  I had a truly wonderful pregnancy and even better birth! 

My labour started at home around 8 hours after my waters had broke (we’d just got home from being monitored at the hospital).  The surges were quite intense and close together so I naturally assumed that I was progressing quickly.  During this time at home, Ryan played some lovely relaxing music, did some light touch massage with my birth colour ribbon and talked me through the breathing with each surge as I just wanted to hold my breath.  I wasn’t in a good way but with Ryan’s help and my willpower I managed to get through each surge.  I had a shower at one point which was lovely and relaxing however felt most comfortable lying on my side on the bed.   As soon as I got to the hospital I was only 2cm which was a little disappointing as I thought I was progressing quickly.  However once I was in the birthing suite, I noticed there were positive affirmation cards up on the walls and Ryan had also packed mine in his bag.

As I thought I was progressing quite quickly, we called the hospital 4 times.  They were encouraging us to stay at home as long we as could which was really great.   We continued our hypnobirthing techniques which were beyond helpful through 5 hours of home labouring.  The drive to the hospital was 10 minutes in which I had 4 surges.  Once I arrived at the hospital we were taken to the labour suite (it was extremely busy and had to wait a little while).  I ended up having an epidural as the pain was too much to bare however the need for the breathing techniques learnt in the course were able to keep my anxiety and fear at bay.   

My labour was 25 hours and in the last few hours my baby had turned posterior.  We used a peanut ball between my legs as I lay on my side which managed to turn the baby back the right way ready to descend.  The birth was very quick. He was out in 30 minutes with no stitches or instruments required.  The J Breathing learnt in the course was incredible and something I had practiced daily leading up to the birth.  It allowed me to focus and breathe the baby out rather than push and hold my breath.  It was a dream birth.  I did pilates right up till the end of my pregnancy and focused on my pelvic floor strength which was a god send together with the hypnobirthing breathing.  Once little Raphie was out, he was put straight onto me skin on skin to start breast feeding and he latched straight away.  We were all so calm and in awe.  It was just so surreal.  We made sure Raphie wasn’t washed or cleaned and we were left in the room for about an hour just the 3 of us.  A moment we’ll cherish forever!!

The first days and weeks after Raphie’s arrival were indescribable.  A new feeling we never knew or thought existed.  This little love bubble.   I was running on adrenaline.  I never felt sleep deprived (Raphie has been such a chilled baby and dream sleeper since he was born) and I just loved my new full time job of being his mum.  

By doing the course and practicing the relaxation and breathing techniques, I honestly feel Raphie benefited so much.  He is so relaxed and he had no problems latching and feeding.  We learnt that for the best outcome you need to relax and go with the flow as much as you can.  I can’t recommend the course enough and I’m so grateful that we did it.  Ryan is also so thankful I encouraged him to do it as he felt he could help me through the labour, the birth and the weeks after.  I highly recommend the Hypnobirthing course with Robina.  We were educated on our rights and options available for our birth of choice which we otherwise would not have known.  The ongoing practice was also something so lovely to do with my husband in the lead up and the excitement for the birth.  A truly wonderful course. 5 stars!



Jess and Travis, Birth story. June 2021


Michelle & Adam-2021 Birth Story