Research Outcome & Advantages of HypnoBirthing
Data shows that HypnoBirthing® mums have:
Fewer cases of pre‐eclampsia/ dehydration
Fewer interventions and surgical births
Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
Shorter first and second‐phase labor
Fewer pre‐term and low‐weight babies
Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia
Happier and content mothers and babies
Babies alert; able to nurse almost immediately
Fewer cases of post‐partum depression reported
Infants with higher than average APGAR scores.
HypnoBirthing Advantages:
• Teaches deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension, and therefore, pain.
• Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical painkillers and drugs
• Shortens the first phase of labour
• Leaves mother feeling, fresh, awake with energy
• Helps keep oxygen supplied to baby during birthing
• Reduces the need for an episiotomy
• Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during labour
• Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their baby
• Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing
• Embraces the concept of pre‐birth parenting
• Teaches breathing techniques that allow a woman to gently breathe her baby into the world without the violence of hard, physical pushing.
Two HypnoBirthing Outcomes Reports Published 1. Research published by Dr. Charles Swencionis and Sarah Litman Rendell, affiliated to Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry and Behaviour Medicine Charles.Swencionis@einstein.yu.ed Published in Birth Psychology Journal vol.27 issue2. Winter 2012 Outcomes of HypnoBirthing.
A collection of data from the HypnoBirthing Institute resource 2009 (1110 participants) and data from the National Vital Statistics Report USA for 2009 (Martin et al) comparatively. Outcomes included less intervention, fewer medical inductions, fewer IV fluids, less continuous fetal monitoring, less Pitocin infusion, fewer artificial rupture of membranes, fewer IV/IM anesthesia, fewer episiotomies, fewer epidural anesthesia, fewer caesarean sections, less frequent use of obstetricians, more frequent use of midwifery care, less use of hospitals, more use of home and birthing centres, more six use of a wider variety of birthing positions, self‐selection was a major factor of the findings.
2. Second research paper submitted BMJ in August 2012 by Dr Julie Phillips Moore. Published in British Journal of Midwifery Vol.20, No 8, August 2012 Birthing Outcomes from an Australian HypnoBirthing Programme During the period 2007 – 2010 a questionnaire was sent to 145 couples, 107 responded and only participants with vaginal births were considered for the study 81, and nine had more than one birth making that a total of 90. Outcomes report length of labour was shorter, caesarean sections lower, as was gas and epidurals, lower incidences of preterm birth and low birth weight infants; 81 participants; 46 did not use pain relief and 2 did not experience pain. The references to the birth reports by the HypnoBirthing Institute in this report have been superseded by the outcomes quoted by Swencionis (2012). Women attending the HypnoBirthing programme demonstrated similar results to those found in other research in hypnosis for childbirth. However, the findings also demonstrated some added benefits of HypnoBirthing. The majority of women reported feeling more confident, relaxed, less fearful, focused, and more in control. They also commented on the ease and comfort of labour and birth and the satisfaction of having their partners involved and supportive.