Michelle & Adam-2021 Birth Story

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Hi Robina,

I am thrilled to let you know that our baby girl Isla arrived at 2:51 am on Wednesday 26 May.

I am so grateful to you and the hypnobirthing course we did. It wasn’t without challenges but it was the birth I wanted and afterwards I felt so powerful and fulfilled which I didn’t think would have happened without the preparation we did with you.

Below is my reflection on the past week and how hypnobirthing helped me.

On the evening of Sunday 23 May my practice surges started and continued until lunch time on Mon 24 May. That evening Adam and I ate dinner as usual around 7pm but within an hour I was unwell and vomiting. At first I thought it was the Hyperemesis I was still suffering from and perhaps a sign that labour was coming but not too long after Adam got sick as well and we realised we both had gastro. We’re not sure but we suspect it was food poisoning.

I was up all night vomiting every hour and by the morning it had passed but we were worried about the baby so we went to emergency where I was treated for dehydration. By lunch time I was home and we tried to get some sleep. Within 2 hours of being home my surges picked up again to a point we could time them. Over the course of the afternoon I worked through my hypnobirthing techniques with Adam and laboured at home.

By 6pm I was experiencing 3 contractions in 10min for roughly 1min each. I knew we should wait a bit longer to go into the hospital but my body was telling me we needed to head in.

At this point I started lose focus on the things around me and could only think about the surges so I apologize my memory becomes quite hazy.

Once we arrived at the hospital, we were quarantined due to the gastro and my contractions were monitored. I found this all a bit disruptive and stressful, and my contractions slowed to two in 10min. I was told I wasn’t in active labour and the attending Doctor suggested induction. I didn’t really understand why induction was being suggested (I think it was due to the gastro? My brain was very hazy) but Adam and I asserted we didn’t want to be induced.

The midwives supported us and we were allowed to practice our hypnobirthing techniques, unfortunately I now felt a lot of pressure not to be induced and my surges didn’t really intensify enough to be classified as active labour.

Because my contractions weren’t picking up my midwife started advocating for us to go home so we could avoid induction. Logically this made sense but what I didn’t know how to communicate was a feeling of reluctance in my body to go. We were actually in the process of being discharged by the doctor when my waters broke and soon after my mucus plug passed. I knew this meant the Doctor would try to induce me again because I had tested positive to GBS but I really got the sense my midwife was advocating for me and we were allowed to keep going. I think without her there asserting our preferences, Adam and I may have been overwhelmed and caved to the induction so I am very grateful.

My midwife’s support helped to make me feel safe and defended. It wasn’t too long after that I went into active labour and to everyone’s surprise Isla was born in less than 3 hours. It was the most amazing moment of my life.

Unfortunately, during birth Isla did get stuck by her shoulders which caused a tear and haemorrhage. I was rushed into theatre straight after birth and needed to receive a transfusion. At first I felt quite shocked and a bit traumatized by this experience but my midwife very kindly checked in with me the following day to debrief and that chat reminded me to trust my body and the hypnobirthing affirmations. I’ve been feeling really good in my recovery and much better about the whole experience. Even knowing what I know now, I would still choose this birth for myself and I am so grateful that I was able to deliver my baby naturally.

After birth:
In the days following birth, Isla and I struggled with her feeding and she developed Jaundice. I think a combination of missing out on the golden hour and the blood loss played a role in this but I was also put on a breastfeeding schedule very quickly. I know everyone was just trying to help us but I did find this intervention very heavy handed and that came just at a point a felt things were starting to get better. It completely stressed me out which I think also sent things backwards. Isla had a day of light therapy in the incubator which I found very upsetting but I used the hypnobirthing tracks to help me through it.

To be allowed home, I had to agree to continue with the breastfeeding plan but when I got home I really just felt it wasn’t the right thing for either of us so I said I was following the program (expressing and bottle feeding) at each check in but instead I was trusting my body and my baby, and doing what came naturally to us exclusively breastfeeding. The first morning home my milk started to come in and at each weigh in Isla picked up almost double the weight she needed. I feel we are both now happy and thriving and without the hypnobirthing course I would never have been brave enough assert myself and to follow my instincts.

Thank you ❤️
Michelle, Adam & Isla


Jess & Ryan Birth Story. March 2021


HypnoBirthing Class Outline